Wednesday, August 10, 2011

You spin me right round

Survived my 2nd Spin Class! This time I wasn't in sever pain within the first 10 minutes. I also wore Converse, this really helped with the foot pain. I guess you need a really a shoe with a hard bottom. I am not ready to commit and spend extra money on "equipment" on only the 2nd class. I think if I am still into the class in 6 months I may invest in padded shorts/bike shoes. But for now, I did better than last time, did almost all of the "climb/jumps" I think the tension was better this time that made the climb easier. Seriously "jogging" on the bike is very hard. Will be interesting to see how I am doing in a month. My "seat" area isn't throbbing and there are no shooting pains. So I call today a success! Next week should be awesome. Now to relax and unwind, 5 am comes very quickly.

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