Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Work out Gear

A post on Run Eat Repeat talked about Champion work out gear. It got me to thinking about plus size work out gear. What are some recommendations for plus size work out gear. Specifically, sports bras.  Seriously I have a nice rack and I am lucky that I may be a big girl but I am proportionate.But that also has draws back, one being bras.  I have been using Moving Comfort  sports bras but there are other brands but not all come in such large sizes. I don't mind paying it bit more if its good quality but I have also spent money on stuff that isn't supportive. It seems to be better to get recommendations.

I  don't plan to be plus size forever but I need proper gear to work on this. I invested in a good pair of running shoes, I bought some cheap work out gear at Ocean State Job Lots,  a few weeks back. ($5 for a shirt, pants, shorts etc) But the bra is the hardest part. I have gone down in size and now need another bra. I like Moving Comfort but they are expensive and since I seem to have to replace sports bras and regular bras due to losing weight it is expensive. So I would love to find a less expensive brand that supports would be awesome!

Any thoughts?


Rough week so far.  This is my month end and the week is insane. Have been working a lot just trying to play catch up or to prevent my self from falling behind. So gym has been on the back burner. Luckily I did find someone at work to car pool with so that will be nice. Cut the gas bill in half. It's been more than a week since I have been to the gym and I know that I am the only person this hurts.