Saturday, August 6, 2011

Run and other stuff

I did not feel like running today. I am having an allergic reaction around my mouth and something is up with my eyes. They are watering like crazy. But I did it! Went to airline trail and ran 3.16 miles in about 51 minutes. So time is an estimate, the mileage is correct because I remember checking the program and turning around at 1.58 miles. I wanted to see what a 5k time would be like. I must have hit something so my tracker stopped at 2.95 miles But I ran. Lately for me it isn't so much about my pace as it is about me getting off my ass and doing something. I have a lot of weight to lose and right now it's all about the little steps. I almost forgot to mention the bug that flew into my eye and the bug I swalloed while running. The bug was on the way back, it's a good thing too. I think that would have caused me to turn back early.

Now eating a turkey burger. Don't worry I checked to make sure it wasn't recalled. That is what prompted me to pull it out of the freezer for lunch and make it for lunch.

I stopped at CVS after the run and got Benedryl. Hoping this helps.

iMapMyRUN+, Check it out!


I wanted you to know that I just completed the following workout:

Workout: Run
Date: Aug 6, 2011
Distance: 2.95 mi
Duration: 00:00

To view 'iMapMyRUN+: Aug 6, 2011 2:34 PM', follow the link below:

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I sent this from iMapMyRUN+, available in the iTunes app store!


Sent from my iPhone

Mexican food

I have become hooked on cooking shows. Currently love Mexican Made Easy. My mother grew up in Mexico City and I am sure she cooked Mexican group up but the things I remember aren't as distinctive. As I have gotten older I have tried to copy the recipes my mom made. I can make her rice but it still isn't as good as hers. I can make Tamal de Casuela, homemade tortillas.

But today there was a recipe for Rajas, my tia made those one the last visits I made to Texas and I loved them but didn't get the recipe. Well, now I have the recipe. But she host, Marcella is definitely giving me ideas. And there are ways to make it healthy.

Saturday Blah...

I really should go for a run. But my eyes are watering and my mouth has a slight rash. (my mouth feel feels puffy and bumpy) The eyes have been irritating me for a few days, I need to get some eye wash and clean out my eyes. The mouth thing started last night night. Nothing too obvious but I feel it. If I go for a run I can run by CVS and get eye wash and benadryl.

I am perfectly aware I am making excuses and not going to the trail like I should.

Friday, August 5, 2011

Finally home

Dinner tonight was quinoa and black beans with a bit of feta. I would have used queso fresco but there wasn't any at the grocery store I went to. Dessert is a bowl of cherries and grapes. I love cherries in the summer. It might even beat chocolate. Only thing better, is cherries with nutella! I love that stuff.

Just got home, stopped at the grocery store and spent a bit too much but it was all on good stuff. Eggplant, celery, cherries, grapes, sweet potatoes, chicken sausage (on sale) Why does the fresh food have to be so expensive? Trader Joe's helps because they do have things cheaper. (almond mile is almost a $1 cheaper and it's the same size, it's generic. I can live with that) I totally had to get more VitaTops. It's a new addiction I think.

Busy weekend. Sunday is church, baby shower, bbq. Saturday is a friends bday party I am going to try to go to but I have been so tired this week we shall see. I really want to go to the trail tomorrow and I really want to make the egg plant and freeze it to eat later. Stayed a bit later at work then planned to help my boss with something. Well, it was PT and there is no OT so I am sure I will get yelled at on Monday. Oh well.

Dear Friday, Thanks for coming back! Is it 5 yet?

This week is kicking my ass. Just really tired. Looking forward to the end of the day.

Ran to Target after work last night. The one near me just added a really nice grocery section. And don't ya know they have a baked goods aisle with smaller portions. Great! Just want I want to avoid. Now I am expecting Aunt Flo in the next few days so of course that means I want to consume all things chocolate. I did good though, I grabbed a small bunch of bananas and some VitaTops! Had the banana on the way home and since I was still hungry and really wanted to try the VitaTops! So I grabbed on and put in front seat withmy water and banana. I call that a success. I avoided the super bad and went with a better choice.

Didn't make it to the gym last night but since I ran yesterday morning I don't mind so much. I use Mapmyrun to track my running. I can post it to Facebook and I can email my times to the blog. As you can see from the last few runs I posted I am not fast, I still have to walk a bit but I am slowly increasing my stamina. I have to remind myself of that sometimes. In March of this year I was still smoking and not excercising. 5 Months later I have quit smoking and have run my first 5k and continue to run and exercise. That is what keeps me going when I see that yes it takes me 15 min to run a mile but Damnit! I ran! [inser Flock of Seagulls song here]

Today is dragging. I reall want it to be Saturday morning so I can sleep. As much as I like how I feel after waking up early to run I am exhausted by Friday. I am changing my schedule at work so that I can go to the Spin Class on Wednesdays. Which means I have to be at work by 7:30. I think the spin class is worth it and since it's included in my gym membership. Monday the person who does Zumba is back but that is 6:30 so I can work a normal schedule and still make that class. Trying to vary my cardio routine. If the class is too full/I am running late I can still do cardio on the elliptical or the AMT. There is a seperate fee for Zumba but the 10 class punch card is only $30, money well spent in my opinion.

That's it for now as I should be doing other stuff.

Thursday, August 4, 2011

iMapMyRUN, Check it out!


I wanted you to know that I just completed the following workout:

Workout: Run
Date: Aug 4, 2011
Distance: 2.24 mi
Duration: 36:07

To view 'iMapMyRUN: Aug 4, 2011 6:00 AM', follow the link below:

You can also view my profile and add me as a Friend here:

I sent this from iMapMyRUN, available in the iTunes app store!


Sent from my iPhone

Wednesday, August 3, 2011


I survived my first spin class. My feet were hurting a lot during the class, I guess I need shoes with a harder sole. Oh, and my ass. Yes ass is sore from the seat of the bike. Maybe it isn't my ass but that is what I am calling it. Sitting on ice right now hoping the aftermath tomorrow won't be so bad. Overall it was a great work out. I sweated my ass off. I did better than I thought. Teacher was great and told me not to try the hills or the "jumps" but I tried. It's the only way I will get better and it was the only way I could get off my ass. Just a little bit of standing/hills/jumps helped. Everyone in the class was super nice. Helped me to set up the bike. I need to find some ibuprofen so I am not hurting too much for my morning run.

When I got to the gym I looked for the trainer who bailed on the gym orientation the other night. Yeah, so she lost her calendar and missed the appointment. She isn't available via email and when I stopped by she didn't have her calendar to schedule an appointment. So, you either lied about losing your calendar or you just don't want to do the orientation. And if you are a trainer and you should be living by your calendar why don't you have a PDA? Who doesn't have a PDA now? Seriously not happy with her but I want to learn how to use some of the equipment. SO I will stick it out and if I eventually go the Personal Trainer route I won't be working with her.

Overall yay on the Spin class but I reserve the right to change my mind tomorrow morning. Boo on the trainer and the gym orientation.

Tuesday, August 2, 2011


I really should have gone to gym after work. But I am so tired. My eyes hurt. (my eyes have been rebelling at my contacts for the last few days so it's been glasses, but its harder to wear the glasses for a few days)

The trainer didn't show last night. Or rather I saw her leave at 6:50 and since we were scheduled for 7 I figured she was running to her car or the grocery store next door. Nope, she left. I emailed her last night and apparently she lost her calendar. I guess if your business is based on your availability then losing your calendar is no big deal. I know the gym orientation was part of the package when I joined so I am not paying her but since I was thinking about getting a personal trainer in the future, it won't be her. Yes I sound bitchy but as much as I liked the gym, there are a few pieces of equipment I wanted her to show me. Oh well. I will try to reschedule. I am sure I sound bitchier than I mean to but I am exhausted. I am doubt I will be up much longer.

I am going into work for 7:30 tomorrow morning so I can leave at 4 so I can try to hit the spin class at 5:30. If I really like it then I may be able to modify my schedule so that once a week I go in/leave early for a fitness class. (seriously who have I become)

We ran a different route this morning. I actually did better on the first mile. The second mile was rough because there was a slight incline. But overall I feel it was better. Ran almost a mile straight. Did .38 without stopping then a brief walk and then run until 1.03 miles. I forgot to watch when I started running again. But this was so much better than when I first started in April. It's amazing how much that motivates me. Yes I could have run more of the hill but I was still out there at 530 am trying to do something for myself.

iMapMyRUN, Check it out!


I wanted you to know that I just completed the following workout:

Workout: Run
Date: Aug 2, 2011
Distance: 2.30 mi
Duration: 36:19

To view 'iMapMyRUN: Aug 2, 2011 6:04 AM', follow the link below:

You can also view my profile and add me as a Friend here:

I sent this from iMapMyRUN, available in the iTunes app store!


Sent from my iPhone

Monday, August 1, 2011

Variety is the spice of life

Tonight I have an orentation at my new gym to learn how to use their equipment. Now, I am not a moron and have used most of the equipment before but honestly, there stuff is nicer than PF and so I just want to make sure I don't do anything stupid. Either to break it or hurt myself. It will also be nice to talk to a personal trainer. I can't really afford one on a regular basis but maybe next year I can do a monthly session with a personal trainer to help me monitor my goals and see what I need to work on.(if that's possible) That might be more financially reasonable.

They offer a spin class twice a week at 5:30 pm. I work til 5, there is no way I can make it from work. I did ask my boss about coming in earlier on one of those days so I can leave early for the class. I am going to try it this week and see what it's like. I hear nothing but good things about it. I just want to keep my self motivated with my exercise routine. I don't want to get bored. I really hope I love it because leaving work once a week at 4 to go work out sounds like fun.

Who is this person and where did the real Ree go?